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Horoscope for the week from September 30 to October 6, 2024: a sign will take action

A new week begins and the stars have decided to bring lots of love and motivation! In the coming days, a sign will finally take action in its projects! Quickly discover your personalized horoscope sign by sign for this week!


Mercury resumes its usual movement, and you return to normal activity. You feel a new breath : your actions can finally come to fruition, your ideas are clear and you have a clear vision of the months to come. You know what you want to implement and how to do it. On an emotional level, Venus soothes your fears and lightens your mind, bringing gentle tranquility to your heart. You now move forward with lightness.


What if you came out of your shell to open up to the world and to others? They are just waiting for this, just like you, admit it. Your warm heart longs for love.
Venus soothes your torments, heals your wounds and encourages you to trust. On a professional level, patience is essential: progress is not as fast as you would like, but you are on the right track. Keep persevering.


Mercury resumes its movement, and you immediately feel an improvement, the energy resurfaces. This is a good time to launch new projects. Mars draws you into a whirlwind of vitality and desire, immersing you in waves of sensuality and emotions. You choose to reopen discussions on subjects that you had put aside, and these exchanges prove essential for the future.


Are you aware that you are in the process of transforming, redefining yourself? On the one hand, everything is moving quickly around you, while on the other, it seems like nothing is progressing. The good news is that you are beginning to understand your mission, and the obstacles are helping to light your soul’s path.
Tip of the week: agree to make concessions.


The pace picks up, your energy returns, and you feel less held back and more liberated. You start to breathe easier and see things in a new light, both professionally and personally. The road lights up, and your mood becomes joyful. Your heart opens. Don’t neglect your feelings and emotions; own what you feel, even if it scares you. Listen to yourself.


The return of Mercury to your sign brings you clarity of mind, you find your bearings and your brain activity is at its maximum. Saturn encourages you to think about changes in your daily life, to establish new routines and explore new practices. On an emotional level, the week will be marked by gentleness and harmony. Take full advantage of it.


The week promises to be quite pleasant. You are beginning to establish yourself in a harmonious life as a couple. Venus in your sign soothes your heart and encourages you to accept an association or partnership, in order to build lasting relationships, both on a personal and professional level. Saturn invites you to think about a new path to follow and to consider the future from another angle.


The stars encourage you to lay down your arms, accept others as they are, and make concessions. Instead of resisting or refusing, instead open your heart. It’s time for calm, you complete a cycle and prepare to begin a new chapter more in line with your aspirations, your dreams and your needs. Pay attention to yourself.


Joy, enthusiasm and energy return, and you feel them palpably. You feel ready to move mountains. On a professional level, you bring everyone with you, with a multitude of projects in mind. On the heart side, it’s time to take stock. Mars creates inner turmoil, making you a little nervous, impatient and demanding. Be kind to others and yourself.


Venus gives you wings on a professional level, encouraging you to get involved, form associations and embrace renewal while bringing luck. Don’t stay isolated, open up, get out and move. The time is ripe for change and renewal. The energies return, you feel less and less slowed down in your movements, and your ideas become much clearer. The road lights up.


Venus, in a friendly sign, brings you gentleness, love and harmony. You choose to trust the other, to commit, and to follow the path of love. On a professional level, Mars helps you launch projects and take action. The delays and obstacles are now behind you, you are finally progressing at your own pace. Saturn invites you to think about your life mission.


Softness, soothing and relaxation: your body feels that things are stabilizing and falling into place. Everything you’ve imagined over the past few months is finally starting to come to fruition. Your energy returns, Mercury advances again, you can resume normal activity. On the heart side, connections, meetings and appointments multiply, and communication becomes fluid again.


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