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Les Sonerien Du, 52 years and a 28th album

28e album and a first in the history of Sonerien Du: An naer if was designed following crowdfunding, which worked well. Numerous contributions, in and elsewhere, which demonstrate the still great popularity of the group on the planet of Breton dance music, 52 years after its creation. This longevity record extends beyond the regional territory.

“The Sonerian Spirit of”

After five years without releasing a studio album, An naer if remains of pure Sonerian Du. In its conception, first: each member of the group works on the composition of the music, on the writing of the texts, before sharing and collective work. No official composer, no exclusive author. This is “the Sonerian spirit of Du”. Result, songs with texts inspired by current events (the presence of wolves in Brittany, the storm Ciaran, a young woman who would like to change sex…) rub shoulders with instrumental tracks with multiple atmospheres. Very beautiful melodies carried by a fabulous duo of ringers, Julien Tymen and Tangi Pensec, and very elaborate arrangements, both in terms of strings, rhythm and keyboard.

The title of this album, taken from an old Breton nursery rhyme, and its cover representing a white snake moving on a bombard, may have surprised… “ In Celtic mythology, contrary to the biblical conception, the serpent is the symbol of the creator, of renewal, explains Gérard Belbeoc’h, drummer for “Du” since 1985. History to show that we are always moving forward, while remaining faithful to the history of the group. »

An sooner if, 12 titles. Production SNDU.


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