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This restaurant wins the world fries championship

The kings of fries work in (Maine-et-)! William and Alexandre Laigo, the two founding brothers of Badem concept tartare, rue Pocquet-de-Livonnières, won the 2024 world championship on Saturday September 28, in (Pas-de-). These original Rennais were crowned in the premier category, “authentic fries”, beating six other contenders, in front of an audience of around 50,000 people.

Attendance that should explode

“Our customers often came back to tell us about our fries. They were the ones who told us about the world championship, we said to ourselves that we had to participate”William Laigo explained to us, as the event approached.

Attendance at their restaurant should explode after this victory. The two champions, who considered themselves « outsiders »now dream of further establishing their restaurant with its unique concept in the west of .

William and Alexandre Laigo founded Badem – concept tartare in January 2023. | LOUIS EMERIAU/WEST-FRANCE
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William and Alexandre Laigo founded Badem – concept tartare in January 2023. | LOUIS EMERIAU/WEST-FRANCE

36 candidates competing in seven categories

Professionals or amateurs, 36 candidates competing in seven categories (creative fries, family fries, world fries, etc.), participated this year in the second edition of the world championship, indicated to theAFP Marie-Laure Fréchet, responsible for the event organized by the Arras pays d’Artois tourist office.

A candidate for creative fries, Dylan Hamy, had concocted a truffle mashed potato with a panna cotta flavored with beef fat. “A good fry is the one that is closest to my grandmother’s fries, who made them with rancid butter”said a visitor, Alain Van Hoorebeke, a French retiree.


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