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In Lieurey, Les Apprentis Poquelin are performing their comedy one last time this Saturday, September 28


Pont-Audemer Editorial

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Sep 26, 2024 at 5:40 p.m.

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After more than two years of touring, it is in Lieurey (Eure), near Pont-Audemer, that the last of “Happy Birthday Patrick!” will be performed, a closed-door comedy by the local theatre troupe. The Poquelin Apprentices.

On Saturday, September 28 at 8:30 p.m., the six amateur actors will take to the stage of the Maison des associations to tell the audience the story of a birthdaythat of Patrick, a bourgeois industrialist, who will have to face many twists and turns during an evening which does not go at all as he had planned.

“A play in which we laugh”

“What can we say about the show without revealing everything?” asks Camille Lefrancoisauthor of the play and director. “It’s really a play during which we laugh.” The one who founded Les Apprentis Poquelin in 2008 will also be on stage to play one of the characters. “Our main goal is to have fun and give pleasure to the public “, she confides. Was the challenge successful? In Freneuse-sur-Risle, Nassandres-sur-Risle, Crestot and Serquigny, the budding Molières are playing to full houses.

If Lieurey marks farewell to the character of Patrick, Camille Lefrançois is not short of ideas for the troupe celebrating this year 16 years of existence. “There have been comedies.” There probably will be more. Like this new play that the amateur playwright is working on : “The story of a widow who finds her husband 20 years later.” Currently being written, this new show, which is currently untitled, is intended to be performed by four actors.

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This time, Camille Lefrançois will focus exclusively on directing, her first passion. Living in Brionne, she discovered theater at the end of the 90s. “My children were teenagers, so I started theater by chance. And then, a group of friends asked me if I wanted to direct them. I got caught up in the game and since then, I haven’t let go.”

“Happy Birthday Patrick!”, comedy for all audiences, Saturday September 28 at 8:30 p.m. at the Maison des associations in Lieurey. Price: 8 euros adults / 5 euros children. Free for under 6s. Reservations at the Foyer rural du Lieuvin: 02 32 57 94 17.

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