This recipe for pasta with zucchini, sausages and chorizo ​​is perfect for the month of September.
DayFR Euro

This recipe for pasta with zucchini, sausages and chorizo ​​is perfect for the month of September.

How about a quick and spicy little preparation to take your taste buds on a journey? Fasten your seatbelts, here we go!

Who said that chorizo ​​had to be limited to spicing up a paella or a pizza? This time, chef Christophe is showing you a new side to it! This spicy sausage is now part of a family pasta dish. Judging by the excellent rating of 4.3/5 given by our readers, it looks like the combination is all the rage! Roll up your sleeves and get ready to cook this “excellent recipe”!

Ingredients for 4 people

4 sausages
400 g of penne
300 g crushed peeled tomatoes
12 slices of chorizo
1 petite courgette
1 onion
1 clove of garlic
1 tablespoon tomato paste
Olive oil
You sell
Flat parsley

Steps for the recipe for pasta with zucchini, sausages and chorizo

Preparation time: 20 minsCooking time: 20 mins
In a hot pan, brown the peeled and finely chopped onion with olive oil. Then add the zucchini, previously washed and cut into small cubes.
When the onion and zucchini are soft, add the peeled and crushed garlic and the chopped parsley. Also add the sausages cut into rounds and the slices of chorizo ​​to the pan. Leave to cook gently for 5 minutes. Remember to stir from time to time. In the meantime, start cooking the…

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