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Half of women regret one thing in particular in their life

The further we go in life, the more we think about what we have already accomplished. While we should always be proud of what we have managed to do, it can happen that some regrets assail us. Not having spent enough time with loved ones, not having taken that trip when we had the chance, a job offer that we passed up… Among women, one regret seems to come up often.

What is this regret shared by half of women?

Researchers from Northwestern University and the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign surveyed 370 American adults. What did they find? Women often regret letting go of “the one who got away.” Romantic regret, then.

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So nearly 50% of them feel this way, whether they are single or in a relationship. They then think back to their past loves and to relationships that could have worked. They especially regret, according to the study, not having acted in certain situations or made more efforts to save the relationship. Among men, this regret did not come up more often than that.


How do you get past it? “Regret, while uncomfortable, is usually a constructive emotion. The best way to deal with it is to feel it intensely and then move past it quickly, turning it into a fuel for beneficial behaviors in the future,” says Neal J. Roese, a psychologist and author of the report.

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