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Camille Lellouche: Without children and husband, I would be unhappy

A multi-talented artist, Camille Lellouche is a passionate woman. Singer, comedian and actress, the 38-year-old Frenchwoman plays the lead role in the comedy “L’heureuse élue”, to be seen in theaters from September 25, 2024. She plays Fiona, a young suburbanite with a strong character with whom she has a lot in common.

What made you want to play in this comedy?

The producer and screenwriter of this film came to see me to tell me that they wanted to make a comedy tailor-made for me. What a wonderful gift for an actress! They started writing the script and then I stepped in for my character, Fiona, who, like me, grew up in the suburbs. But we didn’t want to be a caricature of the suburban girl with a thug accent, vulgar, a thief or a liar. Those are false clichés. And it’s not because you come from a bourgeois background that you’re necessarily a good person. So we broke the codes. I’m pretty proud of this film.

What do you have in common with your character?

Fiona is a woman of her word. If she commits to something, she follows through, even if it’s a mess. In real life, I’m like her. Fiona also has real values, she’s well-mannered. Like me, she has a very natural side that can sometimes be disturbing. What sets us apart is her very ballsy side. I’m a bit fearful. But she’s touching. There’s a side of her that I don’t show in real life. I’m really shy, really modest. So there’s a bit of me in certain moments of the film.

How does it feel to play with renowned actors such as Michèle Laroque or Gérard Darmon?

It’s extraordinary! I’ve played with pillars of French comedy. Plus, I’ve been a fan of Gérard forever and he knows it. We participated twice in the show “LOL: who laughs, goes out!” and we stayed in touch afterward. I couldn’t see myself doing my first comedy without him. Because it’s the first time I’ve had a leading role in a movie. So it’s great!

In the film, your character is ruthless with children. Are you the same in life now that you are a mother?

If you touch a hair on my child, I’ll go to jail (laughs)! I love my daughter but I’m still pretty strict, like all parents should be, I think. She’s two years old. So she’s not allowed screens or phones. She’s learning to be polite, it’s important.

How has your little Alma changed your life?

With her, misfortune turns into happiness immediately. My career was just slowed down when I was pregnant. I felt like a plague victim, my phone stopped ringing. I am not yet “bankable” in the cinema. I am not the kind of actress that you can call even pregnant and whose belly you will hide to shoot.

Are you happy now?

My daughter and my professional life complement each other, and that’s what makes me happy. Before, I had my job, but I was unhappy at the same time. When I wasn’t on stage, I suffered all the time. Now, when I’m on stage, I know that my daughter is there too. It’s a balance and a chance. I always wanted to start a family. Today, if I didn’t have a child or a husband, I would be very unhappy, even with everything my career brings me. Without that, there would have been a big void that I would never have been able to fill.


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