DayFR Euro

No more noise for the La Tulipe room in the heart of the Plateau Mont-Royal

The La Tulipe concert hall, located on the Plateau Mont-Royal, will be forced to lower the volume, the Court of Appeal ordering it to no longer emit noise perceptible outside its walls following complaints from the owner of the neighbouring building.

The disputes between the people who operate the legendary concert hall where Gilles Latulipe performed and their neighbor Pierre-Yves Beaudoin began several years ago when the latter began to complain about the sounds emitted by the loudspeakers during events and sound tests.

In 2023, the Superior Court had, in part, ruled in favor of Mr. Beaudoin, requiring that work be carried out to soundproof the La Tulipe room. However, the Court of Appeal went even further by prohibiting him from producing noises perceptible outside its walls, i.e. in the building belonging to his neighbor.

“How is it possible that a single neighbour can close down a cultural institution? How is it possible that a single complainant can make an activity that is common in a cultural metropolis like Montreal illegal? This regulation imposes a disproportionate burden on performance venues, while neglecting the realities of urban life,” said Jon Weisz, general director of Scènes de Musique Alternatives du Québec (SMAQ), in a press release.

The latter believes that this decision “opens a Pandora’s box for the cultural sector”, while the “incessant hubbub of the Plateau” is not regulated.

“However, our party is seriously concerned about the future of La Tulipe. We remain deeply shocked that an error by the Plateau-Mont-Royal borough has led to such a nightmare for this cultural institution in our metropolis,” said Chantal Rossi, Ensemble Montréal’s spokesperson for culture.

Let us recall that the City of Montreal admitted to having mistakenly issued the permit that allowed Pierre-Yves Beaudoin to convert his commercial premises into a loft. The legality of this conversion is also being debated before the courts.


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