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Flock You In Condom: Les Maquisards, a trio of sound ingenious, took to the stage for the first time

the essential
The group gave its first concert and opened the 3rd edition of the Flock You In Condom festival this Friday, September 20. Irresistible.

On the square of the Saint-Pierre cathedral in Condom, this Friday, September 20, the statues of the four musketeers saw three “musicos” gain a status. That of members of the FFI*: Strike Forces of Inventivity. A guitarist-singer (Victor Campa), a bassist (Simon Pampliega), a drummer (Jérémy Morello) have indeed succeeded in their express bet: to put the group together in a short time and create “fissa” a repertoire (13 songs to date) of which the title “Maquis” serves as the foundation for this “pop-rock-punk band”. “I am on the organizing committee of the Flock You In Condom festival, explains Victor Campa. We had to find a solution to host the first evening on Friday. I was given carte blanche, hence the idea of ​​this new group”.

The three friends then bring together the influences of one, the feelings of the other and agree with the musical language of the third element. Text and melodies give meaning and sound, the nascent soul of the Maquisards is well born. With, between the notes, a sensitivity on the surface of the skin and in all the refrains. Ingenious!

“Getting messages across without being preachy”

“It all started after a report seen on TV. A former resistance fighter from the 1939-1945 war told how he had gone into the maquis and left a letter for his parents. This story touched me, I used it as the lyrics for the song “Maquis” which influenced our name”, reveals Victor (31 years old). Simon (41 years old) and Jérémy (33 years old) follow in his footsteps to defend common ideas. “We want to sing in French, to get messages across without being preachy”, declare the two friends. “We want to share this “live” because we wrote everything with the contact and exchange with the public in mind”. The invitation is noted.

Also read:
The 3rd Flock you in Condom festival unveils its program

The Maquisards, supporters of “text-based” singing and local creation “made in Condom, Ténarèze label”, are waiting for their troupe for a second concert, Friday October 11 in Nérac (at Henri’s Taverne O’Valhalla).

* In reference to the French Forces of the Interior (FFI), in 1944, the military groups of the resistance formed from 1940 to 1944 in occupied .

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