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production hits the wall

In an email sent to crew members late Friday evening, The Sun obtained a copy, producer Christian Larouche said he was “regretful about having to suspend production.” Further on, we can read: “Concretely, filming is stopped as of this evening.”

In the letter, the producer explains that he tried in vain to ensure that these budget overruns did not affect the production schedule. “Unfortunately, we were unable to do so within this time frame,” it is written.

It’s a forced return to the wells, but not so unexpected for Villeneuve: the rise of a champion who changed directors in the middle of production, as he wrote The Sun Friday. Director and co-writer Daniel Roby (Louis Cyr, Funkytown) left his place to Yan Lanouette Turgeon (Miss Bottine, Rock-paper-scissors).

We can also read that we are expecting the hoped-for resumption of filming in the winter of 2025, but in the meantime, dozens of full-time and temporary technicians are losing their livelihood. Filming on the Sanair circuit in Montérégie in Saint-Pie-de-Bagot was to take place between October 3 and 17, more precisely nine days of filming.

Villeneuve: the rise of a champion tells the story of the champion driver’s life from his beginnings on the snowmobile tracks, on the Trois-Rivières Grand Prix in Formula Atlantic, to his entry into Formula 1 with Ferrari. Actors Rémi Goulet and Rosalie Bonenfant were chosen to play the couple Gilles Villeneuve and Joann Villeneuve.


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