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This school opens its doors to train the future stars of musicals

In (Haute-Garonne), the very first class of a training course specially designed for aspiring actors is starting. The ASTA (Académie Supérieure de Théâtre et des Arts, based in ) has just opened a branch in Toulouse. For three years, students will learn acting, singing and dancing intensively.


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West Side Story, Mamma Mia, La la land or even Grease … Musicals may make you dream. Aged 17 to 26, the first class of students from the Académie Supérieure de Théâtre et des Arts de Toulouse. In three years, this branch of the Angers theater school, specialized in musicals, prepares its students in three years, for the profession of actor.

This Monday, September 16, Elsa, 17, is going back to school with stars in her eyes.I always wanted to become an actress, I did theater in high school, I really enjoyed it and I know that this is the job I want to do!“For this first day, practice is the order of the day. A way of learning anchored in the will of the school which bases its professional training on 80% artistic practice and 20% theory. Everyone listens attentively to the advice, and gives themselves with joy in the proposed exercises. For Hugo, 19, this school is a door to the future. “We have not all of us, the chance and the opportunity to go to to live our dreams and have a school to support us, so it’s really great to have this possibility, here in Toulouse.

This three-year diploma course provides 30 hours of classes per week. An intensive course that aims to turn these budding artists into multi-talented professionals.

Noémie Colardeau, deputy director of ASTA Toulouse explains,We have several speakers, each one according to their skills, some are more specialized in interpretation in acting, in singing, in dancing…

A popular theatrical genre, the musical comedy remains a relatively recent art form, for which there is little specific training.

Pierre-Hugo Moulines, director of ASTA Toulouse, explains: “In the USA or in England it is very developed, in France there is everything to do, it is a fairly young art.“To follow the training, expect to pay 4,500 euros per year, and there are still places available. Auditions are open until the end of September.


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