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Salles-la-Source. The Museum of Arts and Crafts engaged on all fronts

On Sunday, September 15, the Musée des Arts et Métiers Traditionelles in Salles-la-Source hosted “OR”, a contemporary dance choreographic project that aimed to highlight the links between the sites on the Soulages route. In order to mark the link between Pierre Soulages and the museum, the artist and designer Sabine Armand offered a vegetable dyeing workshop using walnut husk, a material dear to Pierre Soulages. After getting their hands dirty, visitors were able to follow the dance show offered by Isabelle Leroy, accompanied by the musician Bololipsum as they wandered through the museum’s rooms.

In a desire for an intimate performance, around fifty visitors attended, charmed, the two performances of the artists during the afternoon.

To round off their rediscovery of the museum, visitors were able to take the opportunity to learn more about the link between Pierre Soulages and the fascinating world of craftsmanship, gesture and know-how, in particular thanks to the digital tour tool offered by the museum and usable free of charge on a smartphone. “This is a journey linking different areas and aspects of craftsmanship with the world of Pierre Soulages. Among the museum’s rich collections, visitors can see links, sometimes subtle but always strong, between the world of craftsmanship that greatly inspired Soulages and his work as an artist,” explains Valentin Soulié, cultural mediator at the Museum of Arts and Crafts.

This Saturday, September 21 and Sunday, September 22, on the occasion of the European Heritage Days, the Museum of Arts and Crafts opens its doors from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. to highlight artisans working and shaping wood. From 2 p.m. to 6 p.m., visitors will be able to discover the work and creations of Xavier Rivoire, a wood turner based in Saint-Izaire, and Sébastien Berstein, an art marquetry artist and restorer. “Alongside them, you will also be able to learn about their work and their techniques.”

The museum will also welcome the Compagnons du Tour de with Thibaut Mouysset, Compagnon carpenter of the Tour de France who will be accompanied by many traveling Compagnons who will come to present the journeymanship and the carpentry, joinery and plumbing professions. Finally, throughout the weekend, young and old will be able to measure themselves against each other thanks to old wooden games presented and hosted by “Fêtes vos jeux”.


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