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Kate Middleton’s Cancer: Prince William Distant? This Attitude Worries an Expert

Early September, Kate Middleton has announced some good news. The Princess of Wales, who has been battling cancer since the beginning of 2024, revealed in a touching video that she has completed her preventive treatment against cancer. An announcement that warmed the hearts of all her subjects. We could then see her having fun with her children and sharing tender moments with Prince William.

If we could see the love that Prince William and Kate Middleton share, here is that for Body language expert Nicole Moore says there is definitely a problem.

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Kate Middleton and Prince William, not so close after all?

For our colleagues at The Listthe specialist confides:
“The only potential red flag is that Kate Middleton looks at William, much more than he looks at her.
Especially when the Princess of Wales rests her head on her husband’s shoulder. The latter will then raise and lower his gaze on his wife, showing, according to the specialist, a sign “of discomfort.” “But maybe a part of him feels overwhelmed by it all or wants to escape in some way.”

However, Prince William has always been very close to his wife. It is at her side that he remained for long weeks, trying to find a balance between his personal life and his royal obligations.

This video which nevertheless shows a lot of love

In her three-minute video, Kate Middleton appears more peaceful: “As summer draws to a close, I can’t tell you what a relief it is to finally be done with my chemotherapy treatment.” And she does not hesitate to confide in us about the consequences of her illness on her family life:
“The cancer journey is complex, frightening and unpredictable for everyone, especially your loved ones.”she confides.

“With humility, it also brings you face to face with your own vulnerabilities in a way you’ve never considered before, and with that, a new perspective on everything.”
Shocking confidences for the one who hopes to count on the presence of her husband, Prince William, for many more years.


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