Thirty-six years after its release, this philosophical novel that has become a cult classic continues to find its audience.
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Thirty-six years after its release, this philosophical novel that has become a cult classic continues to find its audience.

There are books whose success never dries up, even several decades later! This Brazilian bestseller is proof of that…

In 1994, Anne Carrière editions revealed to the French public an author with a more than bumpy career. His full name: Paulo Coelho de Souza, a Brazilian artist now aged 77 who had long dreamed of becoming an author without taking the plunge. It must be said that his parents, one of whom was an engineer, were against this project, to the point of having their own child committed to a psychiatric hospital so that he could get back on the straight and narrow. It was a lost cause: after escaping three times, he began studying law after leaving the institute at the age of 20… before this time fleeing around the world as a nomadic hippie.

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Paulo Coelho: a change of life… divine!

Author of hit songs, it was finally during a pilgrimage on the road to Santiago de Compostela in Spain that he decided to throw himself full-time into writing, but this time of novels. At the origin of this radical change of life, decided in 1986: a ” spiritual awakening ” happened on the spot, as he confides on the Paulo Coelho Foundation website. It is therefore not surprising that his first text, The Pilgrim of Compostelarecounts this rather unexpected experience.

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