Cassandre achieves a sad feat, Denis Brogniart consoles her
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Cassandre achieves a sad feat, Denis Brogniart consoles her

At the end of the episode of Koh-Lanta, The cursed tribe broadcast this Tuesday, September 10 on TF1, Cassandre now holds a very sad record. An observation that made the young woman crack.

Not all records are meant to be broken. And Cassandra wouldn’t say otherwise. Tuesday, September 10, during the 4th episode of Koh-Lanta, The cursed tribe broadcast on TF1, the member of the red tribe distinguished herself during the comfort and immunity tests… without even participating in it. To respect the principle of fairness based on the strengths present in each team, Denis Brogniart proceeded to draw the black ball. For the comfort test, which consisted of connecting cubes with colored ropes, a woman could not participate among the Pitogo. And as luck would have it, it was Cassandre who drew the black ball again, for the 5th consecutive time!It’s day 10 of the adventure and I’ve only done one event.“, could only observe the 23-year-old writer, who therefore watched helplessly alongside Denis Brogniart as her team was defeated.

Koh-Lanta, The cursed tribe : this unusual record beaten by Cassandre

The next day, on the 11th day of this edition filmed in the Philippines, Cassandre was therefore very apprehensive after receiving the summons for the immunity test. At the time of the new draw for the black ball, All eyes were on the adventurer…who drew a 6th black ball in a row. “This is an absolute record in Koh-Lanta!“, declared Denis Brogniart, who is the living memory of the game in which he has been present since its creation in 2001. Seeing Cassandra on the verge of tears, he consoled her in these terms: “You are not responsible for this situation in any way.“. When the yellow men had to draw a ball in turn, Michel collected his 3rd black ball.”You have half as many balls as Cassandra, if that can reassure you.“, joked the host of Koh-Lanta, The cursed tribe.

We are the team of the most bizarre records” : Ugo’s amused reaction to Cassandre in Koh-Lanta, The cursed tribe

If his tribe won the immunity challenge this time, Cassandra finally cracked once she returned to her camp. “No one can get six black balls without freaking out! This is the worst record” exclaimed the adventurer. “I think I cried at the 3rd black ball in Malaysia“, Ugo tried to put things into perspective, remembering his previous adventure. An edition from which he emerged victorious in 2013. And the team leader noted: “We are the team of the most bizarre records. I am the one who has remained the most outside the teams”. A memory this time of Koh-Lanta, The Legend in 2021 where he was eliminated from the first council before re-entering the game thanks to several duels won from the island of the banished where he had lived alone.


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