Who is the author Baptiste Beaulieu?
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Who is the author Baptiste Beaulieu?

Baptiste Beaulieu and illustrator Quin Leng released “I am me and no one else” on September 5th, a book aimed at young people, published by Les Arènes. And this is not the first work by this trained general practitioner with an atypical career.

A book about self-affirmation: this is, in a few words, what I am and no one else is about, the latest book by Baptiste Beaulieu, the third in his collection for children. After Les gens sont beaux and On a deux yeux pour voir, the author has once again collaborated with illustrator Quin Leng to bring this new book to life (published by Éditions des Arènes on September 5), which is already a hit in bookstores.

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Medical studies and a passion for writing

Baptiste Beaulieu does not have the classic career path of a writer. He is in fact a general practitioner by training. But passionate about writing and committed, he spent several years writing about his daily life as an intern – then as a doctor – on his blog, called Alors voilà. In 2013, he published his first book, directly taken from the content of his blog, Alors voilà: les 1001 vies des urgences (which will be adapted in 2019 by Arthur Jugnot for the theater). He will then publish 5 other novels, the most recent of which, Où vont les larmes quand elles sèchent, was released in 2023 by…

- Femina.fr

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