5 habits to adopt to become one
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5 habits to adopt to become one

What if optimism was a muscle like any other? That to develop it, you had to exercise it? Seeing life through rose-tinted glasses is ultimately perhaps not just a question of genetics but rather of training and endurance. Here are 5 habits to adopt right now to see life through rose-tinted glasses

Be grateful

Day after day, write down in a notebook all the pleasant things that have happened to you. Savor them and be grateful. If unfortunately, luck lets you down a little later, all these scribbled thoughts will be useful to you to remember that life also brings you your share of happiness.


Happiness makes us smile, but does smiling make us happy? This seems to be demonstrated by a study published in the journal “Psychological Science” where 169 participants were forced to smile using small sticks. The study revealed that smiling, even when forced and constrained, reduces stress and increases positive feelings.

Do this little exercise standing in front of the mirror: look at yourself and smile with your arms wide open to the sky. Beyond the possible ridiculousness of the situation, you will probably feel the positive effects of this training quite quickly. To be done throughout the day.


Generosity makes you happier and science says so! According to a study by an international team of neurobiologists from the Universities of Lübeck in Germany, Chicago and Zurich, the relationship between generosity and feelings of happiness can also be observed in the brain. Caring for others feels good and increases self-esteem.

Have a positive speech

Enough of that little voice that tells you: “I’m worthless, I don’t…

Read the rest of the article on Elle.fr

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