Here are the comedogenic substances to avoid in your cosmetics
DayFR Euro

Here are the comedogenic substances to avoid in your cosmetics

Some ingredients, called comedogenic, clog pores and promote blemishes. Cocoa butter, coconut oil… Discover the list of substances to avoid in your cosmetics for blackhead-free skin.

What if the culprits behind your imperfections were in your facial skincare or foundation? Because while acne is often hormonal in origin (puberty, menstrual cycle), pimples can also be linked to exogenous causes. Blackheads, red papules and white pustules are caused by pollution and tobacco, stress, an unbalanced diet, or even certain cosmetic ingredients known as comedogenic.

Unlike anti-pimple active ingredients (zinc, salicylic acid, niacinamide, etc.), these substances tend to cause the appearance of blackheads. By clogging the pores and therefore the sebaceous glands, these occlusive ingredients can cause the formation of imperfections in combination to oily skin, which naturally produces more sebum. However, this phenomenon is not automatic but specific to each skin, which will react in its own way.

Also discover: Skipping this step when popping your pimples encourages their reappearance, according to a dermatologist

Comedogenic ingredients revealed by a large study in 1989

In 1989, dermatologist James Fulton conducted an extensive study (available here) of ingredients that may or may not clog the hair follicle.

The criterion retained for the study: the level of hyperkeratinization, assessed from 0 to 5

To do this, the scientist analyzed the comedogenicity of substances…


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