Trois Cafés Gourmands is preparing a fourth album, with a new singer
DayFR Euro

Trois Cafés Gourmands is preparing a fourth album, with a new singer

Julie Santamans has joined the group to replace Mylène Madrias, who has left to sail solo. A single is expected on October 11.

A year after announcing their separation, the group Trois Cafés Gourmands is preparing its return. The trio, composed of two original members and a new singer, confides this Sunday, September 8th to La Montagne on the recording of its fourth album. And presents its new recruit, the artist Julie Santamans.

The announcement saddened fans in June 2023: after ten years of existence, three albums and the essential hit To our memoriesTrois Cafés Gourmands was going to bow out. The Corrèze trio composed of Sébastien Gourseyrol, Jérémy Pauly and Mylène Madrias had decided to split up after a final tour that ended in 2024, the singer wishing to embrace a solo career. The future of the boys, however, remained mysterious.

It was during this last singing tour that the two acolytes decided to continue the adventure: “Every time we went on stage, people told us: ‘Don’t stop. We need you. You do us good'”, Jérémy Pauly tells La Montagne.

“We wondered if we should take backing singers on stage to accompany us (to replace Mylène Madrias, Editor’s note),” he continues. “Very quickly, we said to ourselves: Trois Cafés Gourmands, what is it? It’s two guitars and three voices, including a female one.” That’s how they decided to find a new singer.

“An obvious fact”

After a handful of unsuccessful auditions, they met Julie Santamans through Aurélie Cabrel, Francis Cabrel’s daughter (Trois Cafés Gourmands is currently recording its fourth album in the singer’s studios in Astaffort).

“She ticked all the boxes,” recalls Sébastien Gourseyrol about their meeting with Julie Santamans. “There are things that can’t be explained. For me, it was obvious.”

The Toulouse native, a professional singer since she was 16, has performed in several groups, in musicals and as a backing singer, notably for Florent Pagny. Viewers of Don’t forget the lyrics You may recognize her face: the artist participated in Nagui’s game in 2012, where she won 35,000 euros.

The release date of this fourth album by three Cafés Gourmands is currently unknown. A first single entitled Mademoiselle will be available on October 11th.


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