the symphonic tribute to Paris by 80 musicians in November
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the symphonic tribute to Paris by 80 musicians in November

For the hundredth anniversary of the birth of the singer of Bohemiaborn in 2024, the Lamoureux orchestra and a host of artists such as Oxmo Puccino, Zaz and Charlie Winston, will revisit the repertoire of the “Grand Charles” on November 21 and 23 at the Palais des Congrès.

He has etched in our memories for eternity, Paris in the month of May, Montmartre and its Bohemia, the sadness of Venice in the time of dead loves, Charles Aznavour, the «Grand Charles» for fans of his work, would have been 100 years old on May 22, 2024. In order to pay tribute to him, Mischa Aznavour, his son, supported by all the members of his family, has decided to dedicate two symphonic concerts to his memory which will be held in Paris on November 21 and 23 at the Palais des Congrès.

This musical event will bring together some 80 singers and artists who admire the talent of Charles Aznavourian, the original surname of the man who would become the symbol of friendship between France and Armenia.

Also readThe Eye of the INA: Charles Aznavour, the Time of Bohemia

The Lamoureux orchestra has chosen to revisit, on the advice of the Aznavour Foundation, its most beautiful songs. Contemporary singers and rappers like Oxmo Puccino, – who has already reinterpreted Jacques Brel -, Zaz, Yael Naïm, Charlie Winston, without Kristina Aznavour, the daughter-in-law of the man who was Edith Piaf’s private secretary in her younger years, will lend their talent to this moving centenary symphony. Zaz, happy to sing the Aznavourian repertoire has already written on Instagram: “I am so proud to be able to participate in this beautiful project”.

For this tribute to be as vibrant and nostalgic as possible, it was necessary that a man who accompanied the Great Charles on stage be present at the Palais des Congrès. This artist will be pianist Erik Berchot, who will have followed the Franco-Armenian singer on a journey around the world. Together, they will have visited Egypt, Portugal, Canada, the United States and Russia.

While waiting for the symphonic concerts on November 21 and 23 in Paris, a trailer for Mr. Aznavourhas just been published in which Tahar Rahim, a cinema miracle, brings to life in a striking way the author of Bohemia. To revive, again and again, a time of carefreeness and happiness that those under twenty, unfortunately, have not known…

Mr. Aznavour by Grand Corps Malade and Mehdi Idir, released in 2024, with Tahar Rahim, Camille Moutawakil


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