“Let her death serve as a lesson”, the poignant testimony of the father of Kamilya, 7 years old, mowed down by a motorcyclist in Vallauris
DayFR Euro

“Let her death serve as a lesson”, the poignant testimony of the father of Kamilya, 7 years old, mowed down by a motorcyclist in Vallauris

A tragedy that could have been avoided… On Thursday, August 29, 2024, Kamilya, a 7-year-old girl, was knocked down on a pedestrian crossing by a 19-year-old motorcyclist who was coming the other way, doing a wheelie, in Vallauris. While the little girl had been put into an artificial coma and her prognosis was “very serious”, her father had shared on Facebook on Friday, August 30, 2024: “Unfortunately, Kamilya will not return to us. The doctors told us that there is no more hope, the blood has not been reaching the brain for a long time”. On Sunday, September 1, 2024, the father finally announced Kamilya’s death at a rally. “I was told that she did not suffer. Even in her death, she did not cry”, he had indicated, as reported by AFP. In an interview with 66 Minutes, broadcast on M6 on Sunday, September 8, 2024, and of which RTL shared excerpts, Kamilya’s father recalled with pain the day that changed his life. “We heard a noise, a few seconds later, we heard our son say ‘Mom, Kamilya is dead’. I see my daughter on the ground, there is blood, she is no longer moving. There are people, there is the biker, at that moment, I ask him what happened, he tells me: ‘I’m sorry'”, he recalled.

While the girl’s family has filed a lawsuit against the municipality of Vallauris, Kamilya’s father has assured that he hopes “that her death will serve as a lesson”. “I have nothing against the town hall, (…)

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