3 exercises to reduce frown lines (VIDEO)
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3 exercises to reduce frown lines (VIDEO)

Version Femina offers you a program dedicated to facial yoga in partnership with OLY Be, the number 1 French platform for online yoga. In this special “forehead” video, discover three simple exercises to learn how to smooth this area and naturally reduce frown lines.

Yoga needs no introduction, a practice that originated in India and is thousands of years old and can be practiced in different forms: Hatha Yoga, Ashtanga Yoga, Yin Yoga, Kundalini Yoga, etc. But did you know about facial yoga? This natural and non-invasive method, which is increasingly popular, aims to prevent as well as correct the signs of aging and to restore a younger, more relaxed, radiant and rested face. It is based on a subtle combination of facial gymnastics, acupressure, self-massage and breathing exercises without forgetting the importance of a healthy lifestyle (sleep, balanced diet, less alcohol and tobacco, regular exercise). Done regularly, such a routine helps more specifically to release tension, firm features, improve skin texture and reduce wrinkles. There are a multitude of protocols developed depending on the area of ​​the face to be worked on.

3 facial yoga exercises focus on forehead and “lion’s wrinkle”

This is particularly the case for the forehead and especially the lion’s wrinkle, which forms under the contraction of the muscle that allows us to frown. Just after the famous “crow’s feet”, it is one of the first wrinkles that marks the skin. In this video that we offer you in partnership with OLY Be, leader in online yoga and Pilates, here are three exercises to do at home…

- Femina.fr

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