don’t miss these 2 dates to register
DayFR Euro

don’t miss these 2 dates to register

In September, only two dates will allow you to register to visit the backstage of the metro, the tramway or the famous Sprague train on the occasion of the RATP JEP 2024. Please note, places are limited.

Highlighting heritage to the general public to promote its preservation? This is the fundamental mission of the European Heritage Days, organized for the 41st time this year. On September 21 and 22, 2024, curious people will be able to participate in the more than 24,000 events offered in France alone, listed on the official program of the European Heritage Days.

The opportunity to discover museums, castles and emblematic places of power (the National Assembly, the Élysée Palace, the Bank of France), but also to participate in more unusual visits. In Paris, it will be possible to (re)discover the sewer museum, the catacombs… and the secrets of the RATP!

Also discover: 3 free museums every day in Paris

RATP celebrates its 75th anniversary during the European Heritage Days 2024

A long-standing partner of the JEP, the autonomous Parisian transport authority is once again opening its backstage to its fans. A somewhat special celebration for the RATP, which is celebrating its 75th anniversary this year. And what better gift than the theme chosen by the Ministry of Culture for the JEP 2024: “Heritage of routes, networks and connections”?

Tuesdays September 10 and 17: 2 key dates to register for the RATP JEP

But be careful, these events are very popular. To be on track, prior registration is systematically mandatory,…


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