How and where to learn first aid?
DayFR Euro

How and where to learn first aid?

Every year, thousands of people suffer cardiac arrest or other medical emergencies. While the presence of witnesses is reassuring, it is alarming to note that only a minority of the population is trained in life-saving procedures. However, these basic skills can make all the difference in the final prognosis of the event.

Beyond the humanitarian aspect, this training has many advantages. It is often required in a professional context, improves safety at work and allows you to deal more calmly with the unexpected events of daily life. In addition, it is accessible to everyone, regardless of age or level. Thus, training in first aid brings many personal benefits. It allows you to gain self-confidence, to better manage stress in emergency situations. In many sectors of activity, mastery of first aid gestures is an undeniable asset. It allows you to reassure customers or colleagues, to prevent accidents at work and to intervene effectively if necessary. It is a differentiating element that can be valued on a CV.

First aid training is open to all and adapts to different levels of skills and needs. The basic foundation is PSC1: Prevention and Civic Aid level 1. This one-day training, accessible from the age of 10, according to the recommendations of the French Red Cross, allows you to acquire the essential gestures (…)

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