Outdoor light pollution may increase the risk of developing this common neurological disease

Outdoor light pollution may increase the risk of developing this common neurological disease

Street lights, illuminated billboards… big cities never sleep. While nighttime lighting has certain advantages, particularly in terms of safety, the ecological and health consequences are significant. Recently, researchers even discovered that outdoor nighttime light pollution could increase the risk of Alzheimer’s disease. Fortunately, this is a modifiable environmental risk factor. To reach this conclusion, the researchers studied light pollution maps of the 48 contiguous states of the United States as well as known variables considered to be risk factors for Alzheimer’s. They were then able to observe that among those aged 65 and over, the prevalence of dementia was more strongly correlated with nighttime light pollution than with other risk factors such as excessive alcohol consumption, chronic kidney disease, depression and obesity. Other factors such as diabetes, high blood pressure and stroke were, however, more strongly associated with Alzheimer’s than light pollution. In contrast, among those under 65, high nighttime light intensity was associated with a higher prevalence of Alzheimer’s disease than any other risk factor. Thus, young people would be particularly sensitive to the effects of exposure to nighttime light.

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