Raquel Garrido and Alice Coffin among Yves Thréard’s guests

Raquel Garrido and Alice Coffin among Yves Thréard’s guests

The deputy director of the Figaro and columnist presents the second issue of his weekly show tonight. Join us between 7:30 p.m. and 8 p.m.

This is one of the new events of this TV season. All against Thréard! », broadcast every Friday evening, between 7 p.m. and 8:30 p.m., on BFMTV, and presented byYves Thréard accompanied by François Gapihan. Debate is king in this stimulating program centered around national and international politics. “The title corresponds to the channel’s desire to have the name of the presenter in that of the program,” specifies the deputy director of Figaro and editorialist. This is the case for most of BFMTV’s meetings. It also reflects the content of the show, which aims to launch and maintain debate.

In the first hour, two or three current topics are discussed – the controversy over the exclusion of Ibrahim Maalouf from the Deauville Festival and the identity of the future prime minister, for example, last week.
Three debaters confront their points of view. An all-female cast will perform tonight. Raquel Garrido, former member of parliament for La France Insoumise and lawyer at the Paris bar, Alice Coffin, feminist activist, Paris councilor and co-founder of the Observatory of Sexual and Sexist Violence in Politics, and Florence Portelli, vice-president of the Les Républicains party and mayor of Taverny (Val-d’Oise). The appointment of Michel Barnier to Matignon should fuel the evening’s discussions between these personalities who generally do not mince their words. Note that the speakers change every week.

Also readYves Thréard arrives on BFMTV at the start of the school year

Taking a step back from current events

The Friday evening broadcast is a good time to take a step back from the news of the last few days. Thus, shortly before 8 p.m., the presenters stop at the image of the week to comment on it. The last half hour is devoted to a major interview with a political figure, Ségolène Royal at the first. Yves Thréard thus returns to the exercise of the political interview, which he has long conducted at Figaro with “Le Talk”, a program broadcast on the newspaper’s website. The final word of “Tous contre Thréard!” is reserved for him, through an editorial.

What about the audiences? On August 30, between 7 p.m. and 8 p.m., there were approximately 326,000 curious viewers, or 2.4% of the audience, at the rendezvous (compared to 495,000 viewers for CNews’ “Face-à-face” presented by Eliot Deval, or 3.7% of PDA). A score comparable to what Benjamin Duhamel achieves during the week, in this same time slot. The 29-year-old journalist gathered 425,000 viewers on average between the first Mondays and Thursdays and 3.1% of PDA. The objective is to compete with CNews, leader of this slot.

A larger overhaul is also taking place on the BFMTV schedule, especially in the evenings. Éric Brunet, a transfer from LCI, was recruited to counter the all-powerful Pascal Praud in the 8pm-9pm slot. But the results are still timid. Only 280,000 viewers watched “Liberté, égalité, Brunet!” the first week, or 1.5% market share, while its direct competitor on CNews has more than double that with its 685,000 viewers on average and 3.8% audience share. The new boss, Fabien Namias, chosen by the new shareholder Rodolphe Saadé, will have a lot to do. But for now, Marc-Olivier Fogiel, the resigning CEO, is still in charge, at least until October 1, because of the non-compete clause signed by his successor at TF1 which prevents him from working in the house across the street. “The sooner the better,” an optimistic Nicolas de Tavernost, interim CEO, recently confided to Le Figaro.



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