The seductive sixty-year-old comes from Saint-Germain-en-Laye

The seductive sixty-year-old comes from Saint-Germain-en-Laye


Pauline Frayssou

Published on

Sep 6, 2024 at 6:16 AM

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The Bachelor, this hit show in the United States, will have a French version with an older candidate, for the first time, on M6 from September 18. Landry, 60, will try to find love among twenty “Bachelorettes”, who have come to seduce him and win his heart. The golden Bachelor, originally from Saint-Germain-en-Laye (Yvelines), confides in his adventure.

Can you tell us your story?

I found myself widowed at 42, I raised my three children alone. I had different relationships, but I never really lived with a woman at home. I met some great people but maybe I wasn’t ready. My business took up a lot of my time, plus my three children to manage, it wasn’t always easy to take time for myself. Now, I sold my business, I have more time and that allows me to meet people.

Why did you decide to participate in this show?

For the experience already. Since I’m 60, I said to myself why not. It will be the opportunity to meet my wife, since I’m single and it allows me to meet them more quickly than on apps. It’s also a television experience, in terms of technology, media. It’s the kind of thing you never do in a lifetime.

Landry will meet 20 candidates. ©Julien THEUIL / M6

Did you know the principle of the show before participating?

I knew him vaguely, only by name. I wanted to let myself be free to live my adventure fully. I don’t regret having participated in it.

How did the filming go? Did you meet any great people?

I found it very benevolent, with a cast of friendly, pleasant, joyful, funny women. It was a good moment of benevolence.

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How did the seduction go?

I was very apprehensive, because we don’t know where we’re going and we’re not sure we’ll please either. Unconsciously, I wondered if I was going to please, it’s never very easy. It was a challenge where we question ourselves, we discuss, we talk, we seduce, we get seduced and then life goes on.

Wasn’t it too hard to choose between 20 candidates?

It was very hard, especially since at the beginning we don’t really know them. It’s maybe a little easier at the beginning, I judge on a visual level, on the appearance or a sense, because we don’t have time to talk and get to know them a little better. Then, the more the show goes on, the more we start to have affinities with the girls, and it’s harder to part with them. Very difficult to hand out the roses too, because we get attached, they are great girls. There was also the risk, if I give a rose and the person doesn’t accept it. It’s always a delicate moment.

The rules of the show game

Landry will meet 20 Bachelorettes (his suitors) aged 55 to 67. At the end of the first show, where everyone will try to seduce him, he will unfortunately have to eliminate five of them. Many romantic dates will then punctuate the days of the Bachelor and the suitors where they will try to discover each other during group or couple activities (horseback or boat rides, artistic workshops, cooking or dance classes, spa …). Finally, the Bachelor will visit the last Bachelorettes still in the running and introduce them to his loved ones.
Rose ceremonies will punctuate the stay where Landry will express his choices by giving roses to his favorite suitors, but be careful, they will always have the power to refuse them and leave the adventure whenever they wish.
In total, M6 will have received 5,000 applications from women and 3,000 applications from men to participate in this first season of the Golden Bachelor in France.

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