The journalist and presenter of CNews revealed, in an interview given to Dominique Lagrou-Sempère, a dark event in her life: the loss of her two children more than twenty years ago.
“October 12, 2001.” A date of which Christine Kelly remembers like it was yesterday: the death of her twins while she was six months pregnant. Usually discreet about her private life, the presenter of “Face à l’info” on CNews chose to address this tragedy in an interview with Dominique Lagrou-Sempère on his show “Entre vous et moi”.
Twenty years after the forced mourning of her pregnancy which did not reach term, she shared with emotion the feelings which inhabited her at the time. “A pain that I dragged around for 10 years. As soon as I saw a woman, even in fiction, who had lost her child, I cried non-stop.”
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“Life is renewed”
This traumatic event was not without consequences on the journalist’s life. “It cost me a divorce. I couldn’t stand my husband at the time anymore. And yet I loved him. It cost me the fact that I never wanted to get pregnant again. Because I was afraid of bringing a child into the world.” Christine Kelly is now the mother of a little girl she adopted ten years ago.
Beyond the mourning of her twins and a separation, this ordeal also allowed her to approach her daily life differently. “It made me humble about life and allowed me to accept my life as it is.” Despite this, the recovery was long. “I think the best ally in moments like this is time. But we absolutely have to look at how life renews itself.” She then recalled, as the best example, having experienced a very powerful cyclone in Guadeloupe in 1989. It had destroyed everything in its path, and yet “Within fifteen days, the plants already started to grow back. I never forgot that.”. And to continue: “Life is always there, within reach”.
The one who calls herself “warrior” also explained the reasons why she agreed to break the silence surrounding this tragedy. “At the end of the day, you can always see my smile and I’ve often been told that I can have everything I want, but in reality, no. I go and get everything by tearing it out with my teeth. Nothing has come to me on a plate. Not even a child.”