Students born early in the year do better in school, study finds

Students born early in the year do better in school, study finds

Being born in January rather than December could make a difference in school, according to a study by INSEE.

Does the month of birth affect academic success? Yes, according to a recent study by INSEE. The institute reveals that students born at the beginning of the year do better at school than their peers born at the end of the year. This difference is significantly evident from the start of CP and lasts until the age of 15, particularly in subjects such as mathematics, science and reading.

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Based on the results of the Pisa tests conducted in around fifteen countries, the data show that a student who is one year older when they enter CP scores on average 18 points higher in mathematics, 18.4 points in science and 20.6 points higher in reading. The reasons for this gap are mainly explained by “cumulative effects” linked to age. From the start of their schooling, older students generally benefit from greater emotional and social maturity, which allows them to adapt more easily to the demands of school. This advantage often translates into positive dynamics: considered good students, they have greater self-confidence and more motivation. On the other hand, students born at the end of the year are…


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