Beware of these mussels sold at E-Leclerc

Beware of these mussels sold at E-Leclerc

After aperitif products, cheese and cold cuts, Rappel Conso has just pinned a new product. The government authorities have indeed communicated via a publication on the official website, the immediate recall of several batches of Breton mussels. The cause? Incorrect labeling that could jeopardize proper consumption within the authorized health periods.

To avoid food poisoning and other health issues, here’s what you need to know about this recall, the batch number involved, and our advice to follow if you’re affected by this consumption.

This recall affects several trays of mussels harvested in Chausey, in the Bay of Mont Saint Michel, in Saint Brieuc and in Chausey sold between June 19 and July 15, 2024. Sold in Leclerc stores, these trays weighing between 1 and 4 kilos came from VIVIERS D’ARMOR, a wholesaler of high-quality shellfish located in Cancale.

Product Identifiers:

Bouchot mussels Traditional specialty guaranteed

Product Identifiers:

Bouchot mussels from the Bay of Mont Saint Michel

Product Identifiers:

Bouchot Chausey mussels

Product Identifiers:

Bouchot mussel trays from the Bay of Mont Saint Michel

Product Identifiers:

Bouchot mussels from the Bay of Mont Saint Michel

Product Identifiers:

STG Bouchot mussels from Saint Brieuc

These trays of mussels are being removed from the shelves because the product was subject to an error in the packaging date (…)

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