what changes in 2024

what changes in 2024

Several new features await students returning to school this Monday, September 2. ELLE takes stock of what to remember from the main guidelines for the 2024 school year.

The main points of the new school year were presented by the resigning Minister of National Education. Implementation of “needs groups” in 6th and 5th grade classes, experimentation with the ban on mobile phones or reform of the brevet: Nicole Belloubet presented the main measures for this new year on Tuesday, August 27. ELLE takes stock of what should be remembered for this 2024 school year.

>> Read also : New Prime Minister: Is Emmanuel Macron’s choice not to appoint the NFP “a coup d’état”?

Establishment of “needs group”

The first major new feature of this new school year is the implementation of “needs groups” in French and mathematics. Announced by Gabriel Attal, then Minister of National Education, but strongly criticized by a large part of the educational world, the level groups, renamed “needs groups” by Nicole Belloubet, will be implemented “with flexibility and pragmatism” in the 6th and 5th grade classes, the minister promised. The controversial measure should be evaluated in parallel with its implementation, the ministry emphasizes.

A ban on mobile phones

Another decision that follows the recommendations of the screen commission wanted by the President of the Republic Emmanuel Macron. The resigning minister has, in fact, announced the experiment of the ban on…

Read the rest of the article on Elle.fr

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