As part of its program “Maa Taroub”, the Athakhafia channel will broadcast on Saturday January 25, 2025, from 10 p.m., an episode devoted to the eleventh edition of Visa For Music. “It is a major event that takes place every year and highlights the musical diversity of the African continent and the Arab world. This eleventh edition of Visa for Music vibrated four days during the emblematic places of the capital thanks to the participation of 500 artists from here and elsewhere. In addition to shows, conferences, master class and workshops were organized for the benefit of emerging artists throughout this major musical event, “explains the channel. And to add that “this episode of” Maa Taroub “makes the backstage and the flagship moments of this festival which unites youth around music”. To note, this television program is prepared by Taroub El Bayati and directed by Abdelali Baidaoui.
The 11th edition of Visa For Music on the Athakhafia channel – today Morocco