Inspired by the myth of Orpheus and Eurydice with a libretto by Aurelio Aureli, this opera was created in 1672 at the Teatro San Salvatore in Venice. Alternating sensual, pathetic, comic and tragic atmospheres, this shimmering ballet of bodies and hearts in love is enhanced by the beauty of Antonio Sartorio’s music. In contrast to Monteverdi’s masterpiece, the composer reveals a possessive and suspicious Orpheus, who doubts the love of Eurydice struggling to keep his love and his life. It is she herself who returns as a ghost to ask Orpheus to deliver her from Hell. Fifteen years after their last collaboration, this production celebrates the reunion of director Benjamin Lazar and Philippe Jaroussky, as musical director. The promise of a memorable show.
Performance on January 26 at 3:30 p.m. at the Raymond Devos Theater in Tourcoing.