Initially scheduled for January 15, the launch of Meghan Markle’s lifestyle series, titled With Love, Meghan, broadcast by Netflix, was finally postponed to March 4. The Duchess of Sussex is at the origin of this change of program, she wanted to shift this outing to focus “on the needs of people affected by the forest fires in my native state of California”, she declared .
“I am grateful to my partners at Netflix for supporting me in postponing the launch,” Harry’s wife wrote in a statement released on Sunday, January 12. These fires which ravaged the Pacific Palisades district in particular, cost the lives of 16 people, according to the latest human toll.
According to the magazine Hello!Meghan and Harry also opened the doors of their villa, located in Montecito, about 140 km north of Los Angeles, to their loved ones affected by the fires. Through their Archewell Foundation, they have also made clothing donation and other essential products for children.
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