1st decan: Two important planets will transit the sector which represents your goals, your successes and your failures, the people who matter most and your sense of responsibility towards them. In June, there could be big stir in the social field… After a pleasant and rather tender month of January thanks to its presence in Pisces, Venus, in Aries from February 4, reveals that you will have to fight for (re)conquer someone. The planet of love will indeed come and go in this sign, which means that you may have to fight a fight for your relationship. The conjunction of Venus with Neptune early May asks you to stay vigilant if you encounter someonesomeone manipulative who can hide under charming appearances.
2nd decan: Jupiteran important planet for you, is in Gemini and can cause administrative concerns or judicial. But this will end in spring and, from July 24 to September 13, Jupiter, in your decan, will do a good job allowing you to expand the circle of your loved ones through a marriage, a birth. But you could also have a promotion in your work. Your love life, managed by Venus will be marked by its comings and goings in Aries. The beginning of your decan will be the most concerned and it may be that someone you love is at the center of your concerns, that he or she takes up more space than usual. You will think about it a lot.
3rd decan: Uranusplanet of evolution and formative experiences will still be beneficial until the beginning of July, when it will enter Gemini, where it has not been since the 1940s. There will probably be a change in your habitsor in your work. Before July, most of you will continue to release constraints that, perhaps, they imposed themselves, and it will certainly not be a situation that you will discover! Given thatUranus will be in harmony with your Sun, it is not impossible that you have had an encounter, that you have had a sort of crush last year. But it was able to remain a friendly relationship, with many affinities between you and the other.
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