What is this new practice that claims to help you sleep?

What is this new practice that claims to help you sleep?

For a few months now, this method has been all the rage: Mouth taping. It consists of taping your mouth to sleep better, but is it really useful? We take stock according to a study published on the Harvard University website.

Mouth taping is a method that involves sticking adhesive tape over your mouth at night to force breathing through your nose and help you sleep better. Those who practice this technique say that it has several benefits: it can reduce blood pressure, calm anxiety, and even filter allergens in the air. On the other hand, breathing through your mouth can cause problems such as dry mouth, bad breath, and is often associated with problems such as snoring or sleep apnea.

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But is this practice really safe and, above all, is it effective? Dr. Cinthya Pena Orbea, a sleep specialist at the Cleveland Clinic, remains very skeptical in a study published on the Harvard University website. According to her, “most of the information we have on this technique is anecdotal. There is still no solid scientific evidence that shows that taping the mouth provides real benefits.”

An effective technique?

An early study of 36 asthma patients showed no change in their health after testing the method. Another study, conducted in 2022, found that despite the tape, many people still unconsciously try to breathe through their mouths while sleeping, causing them to…

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