An unprecedented meeting between the 4 Miss Guadeloupe who became Miss France, judges of the 2024 election, this Sunday

An unprecedented meeting between the 4 Miss Guadeloupe who became Miss France, judges of the 2024 election, this Sunday

Who will win the crown of Miss Guadeloupe 2024? The election will take place this Sunday at the Palais des Sports du Gosier. Eleven candidates are in the running to succeed Jalylane Maës. Guadeloupe, land of Miss, has 4 Miss Guadeloupe crowned Miss France.

This Saturday, September 14th marked an unprecedented moment in the history of Miss Guadeloupe: Indira Ampiot (Miss Guadeloupe 2022, Miss France 2023), Corinne Coman (Miss Guadeloupe 2002, Miss France 2003), Clémence Botino (Miss Guadeloupe 2019, Miss France 2020) and Véronique de la Cruz (Miss Guadeloupe 1992, Miss France 1993) finally met for the first time. These four women, who share the same journey as ambassadors of Guadeloupe crowned Miss France, took advantage of this unique moment to exchange anecdotes and relax before an evening that promises to be magical.

Over the years, these beauty queens have helped redefine beauty standards, gradually changing the representation of black women on the catwalks and in the media. Their successive crownings have allowed many young girls to dream bigger and to recognize themselves through them.

Corinne Coman, Miss France 2003, remembers with emotion her first official outings.

I would meet little girls who would say to their moms, “But Mommy, she’s black like me.” I would have moms write to me and say, “Thanks for the representation, because my daughter knows she can relate to people who are on TV. That wasn’t a big thing back then.

Corinne Coman, Miss Guadeloupe 2002, Miss France 2003

These testimonies show to what extent her election was a turning point for the visibility of black women in France.

Clémence Botino, Miss France 2020, adds that while these advances are undeniable, it is important to no longer constantly emphasize skin color.

Today, we should see more women of color in the media, in movies, on television, without it being emphasized. We are all fighting to be ourselves, without having to, in quote, represent…

Clémence Botino, Miss Guadeloupe 2019, Miss France 2020

A fight for the normalization of diversity in public spaces.

After this friendly meeting, the four Misses are preparing for an important mission: this Sunday, September 15, they will all be on the jury to elect the next Miss Guadeloupe, the one who will have the honor of representing the archipelago in the Miss France 2025 election.

Véronique De La Cruz, Miss Guadeloupe 1992, Miss France 1993 was the guest of Guadeloupe Soir presented by Ludivine Guiolet:


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