End of the agreement between Disney + and Canal +: why you can still subscribe to the American platform despite everything

It is now confirmed: since Wednesday, Canal + subscribers can no longer access Disney +. The content of the American platform has officially left the broadcaster’s offer, with the end of a contract between the two firms, which was not renewed. It allowed subscribers of the encrypted channel to benefit from access to the American streaming platform but also to see Disney, Marvel or Pixar films six months after their theatrical release. But for some, it is possible that a subscription remains subscribed and that an amount is still taken from them.

“From January 1, 2025, Canal + customers will no longer be able to watch our new films, nor access Disney + or our television channels via their subscription,” Disney indicated last November. But if you were already a Disney+ subscriber before subscribing to Canal+ and thus switching to a combined offer, it is possible that your subscription will be automatically extended and therefore billings will continue.

“Billing operated directly by Disney +” in certain cases

In an email sent to its subscribers who have “received an email from Disney + inviting you to cancel this service”, Canal + indicates that there is “no action to take” following the “cutting of rights to Disney +”, which is “automatic and requires no action on your part”. “Moreover, Disney + does not have your payment methods linked to your Canal + subscription,” he assures.

Extract from an email sent by Canal + to its subscribers regarding the end of the combined offer with Disney +.

But on one condition, to be found in an asterisk at the very bottom of the message: “If you already have a subscription taken out directly with Disney +, before subscribing to CANAL +: in this case, its billing will be carried out directly by Disney +,” indicates the group. “If you have another Disney + subscription, this other subscription will remain active,” he also explained in an email sent to subscribers at the beginning of December.

As spotted by BFMTV, Disney + announced in an email to its subscribers that “the subscription has expired” but that an extension was offered “at no additional cost”. Le Parisien was able to note that the service was in fact accessible until Friday for the subscribers in question.

Extract from an email sent by Disney + to its subscribers, discussing its subscription offer after the end of the agreement with Canal +.

But the email then states that “the general subscription conditions continue to apply”, and simply offers the recipient to cancel their subscription if they wish. In other words, from the end of the extension offered, subscribers who had subscribed to Disney + before the combination of the offer with Canal + continue to have a subscription, namely the Standard formula, of the order of 5.99 euros per month with advertisements included.

The “means of payment” box to check

There is, however, a major subtlety: as long as a valid payment method, such as a credit card, is entered on the American platform, the subscriber continues to pay. If you are affected by this debit and no longer wish to benefit from a Disney + subscription, you will then need to cancel from your personal account.

On the other hand, if no payment method is registered, no billing is taken. But the subscription is then not renewed and access to the content of the platform is no longer possible.

Le Parisien was able to see on the customer page of a user concerned that Disney + now offers to “add your payment method to continue to benefit from your subscription”. This is the case for Canal + subscribers who did not have a Disney + account beforehand, before the agreement between the two channels, and who therefore mechanically had not provided a means of payment on the American platform.

Example of visual obtained on the Disney + account of a subscriber to the cumulative offer with Canal +, after the end of this offer.
Example of visual obtained on the Disney + account of a subscriber to the cumulative offer with Canal +, after the end of this offer.

To try to retain all those who would be tempted not to subscribe to a new offer or to cancel theirs, the streaming giant has also launched a promotional offer, to “save more than 50% per month for 12 months”, at destination for all subscribers who benefited from the double offer with Canal + – whether they registered before on Disney + or not.

Thanks to this special offer, which runs until January 21, you can benefit from a Standard subscription with advertisements for 1.99 euros for one year, specifies the Disney + help center. At the end of 12 months, the subscription then switches to the classic price of 5.99 euros, if it is not canceled before.



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