Itineraries Découvertes welcomed Aurélie Mazenq, a thirty-year-old, passionate about opera. It was after an operation and a long convalescence, while visiting social networks, listening to a lot of music, that Aurélie heard “Verdi's Requiem”. “I was stunned. The discovery of a universe that I didn’t know,” she declares. This was the start of a quest for information and musical discoveries.
The goal of this conference: to share your passion with the public. It began with the discovery of a theater and the different parts that make it up (parterre, orchestra, dressing room, balcony, stage, backstage, orchestra pit). In the theater, the audience receives the music. The words and the music must balance each other. The composer must work with the music and the story that is being told. The artists sing without a microphone. The voice must rise above the orchestra.
The ranges are different for women and men. For these premieres: soprano (high, luminous and powerful voice). Mezzo soprano (rich and velvety). Very rare contralto (very serious). For men: counter tenor (rare, sunny, luminous); against viola (can be sung by women); opera's favorite tenor, lively, sunny; baritone (more common, more serious, elegant, sensual); bass (the darkest, the lowest). The voice varies according to hormones, fatigue, shape. It evolves over the course of life. It requires a rigorous lifestyle.
Opera is about singing and acting. “It’s a total show that combines music, theater, costumes, sets, dance, voice, circus, visual art, magic, special effects which provides an intense emotional journey”explains Aurélie with passion. We must detach ourselves from received ideas such as “opera is for old people”. Today, young modern artists are very present on social networks. “Opera is long and boring.” Even if there are operas that last 4 or 5 hours, some last 1 hour 30 minutes. We can see modern productions and dynamic shows. “Opera is expensive”. Many theaters are open to young people with preferential rates and there are seats at all prices. “You have to be in evening clothes”. No, you can go to the opera like you go to the cinema or a restaurant, in everyday clothes.
For beginners, it is better to choose French operas, not too long. You have to start by exploring broadcasts at the cinema or on the Internet, reading up on the show to see.
Told by a passionate young woman, the opera has something to seduce. Now a show critic, Aurélie has captivated the audience at La Doline. It made many people want to discover this art, which is somewhat shunned by unfounded clichés. Providing applause thanked her for her great performance.