During his appearance on the RSI morning show “Salam Senegal”, rapper Ibrahima Loucard, known as Carlou D, expressed his deep gratitude to all those who contributed to his 20-year musical career. For him, these two decades represent a true period of maturity in his artistic life. “The lessons learned from these 20 years are those of maturity. It would have been difficult for me to reach this stage without the support of others,” he said.
Carlou D also spoke about his solo career, describing his journey as a personal story: “I couldn’t share my style of music with anyone, because it’s an expression that belongs to me alone. » The recognition he has received over the years remains one of the most significant aspects of his career.
To celebrate this important anniversary, Carlou D announced several collaborations with artists such as Duggy Tee. The festivities will begin at the French Institute and continue at the Acapes grounds of Parcelles Assainies. The culmination of this celebration will be held on December 28 at the Grand Théâtre, followed by a festive event on December 31 at the Terrou B hotel.