Poetry recital by Philippe Tancelin and the contemporary musical ensemble – Matreselva – , 75015

Poetry recital by Philippe Tancelin and the contemporary musical ensemble – Matreselva – , 75015
Poetry recital by Philippe Tancelin and the contemporary musical ensemble – Matreselva – Paris, 75015

Poetry- Recital
Poetry by Philippe Tancelin accompanied by the contemporary musical ensemble directed by Elysabeth Merx

In the abundant cultural universe, unexpected encounters emerge, offering moments of grace where the arts subtly intertwine. The Matreselva space does not deviate from this quest for excellence and offers us an exceptional event: a recital combining the poetry of Philippe Tancelin with the captivating harmonies of a contemporary musical ensemble. Under the expert baton of Elysabeth Merx, each note caresses the verses in perfect symbiosis. The “Poetry and Music Recital” thus promises to transcend the ambient darkness to illuminate our hearts with a new light. In these times when the news weighs on our shoulders like a low and heavy sky, this cultural event presents itself as a breath of oxygen. With Subtlety and grace, he celebrates the beauty of the world and offers us an enchanted parenthesis where joy and art echo.

We will have the privilege of listening to the poems from the latest works of Philippe Tancelin, a committed poet and philosopher, who works fervently to design a fair and peaceful world. His approach is part of the construction of innovative political thinking, intended to serve a progressive vision of society. This event promises to be an unmissable cultural event, combining the depth of the texts with the finesse of the musical composition, for an unforgettable artistic experience. A unique evening to experience in this “Poetry and Music Recital” which will mark the culmination of this artistic year not to be missed.
The writing of this author, just like his actions, is marked by firm positions and resistance against social exclusion, the exploitation of the most deprived, as well as his support for oppressed peoples such as Palestine, Ukraine, and others. “For me, poetry is a form of wonder born from the interaction between words. Poetic language emerges from the astonishment caused by new and unusual encounters between words, which differ from their everyday, utilitarian use. When the poet speaks of “the bitter moon,” the moon is surprised to be given a flavor, while bitterness is surprised to be metamorphosed into a star.” It is with palpable emotion that the poet Philippe Tancelin shares this vision, one could say to summarize his thoughts. F. Guemiah.

About Philippe Tancelin
Driven by the strength and beauty of poetry, he founded the “International Center for the Creation of Poetic Spaces (CICEP)” as well as the “Effraction” collective. The CICEP, established in 1992 with the collaboration of Geneviève Clancy and Jean-Pierre Faye, pursues a mission clearly defined by its title: to establish poetic spaces which serve as interstices between the arts. In these places of meeting and creation, poetry continually confronts and mixes with other artistic forms such as painting, cinema, theater, dance, music, architecture, as well as technologies of the virtual imagination. “Effraction”, a collective of poets from five continents, was founded in 2009 by Éditions L’Harmattan. This group, bringing together poets, artists, researchers and civil society actors, has given itself the mission of investing in urban space through poetic-artistic interventions inspired by current issues. It also focuses on a reflection on the evolution of poetic language in relation to the language of communication.


The collective has to its credit the publication of two works by L’Harmattan:
“Effraction 1: Fragments and Lambeaux”, a work exploring the transhistorical dimension of ancient and modern poetic texts linked to urban space, and “Effraction 2: Poseurs de Lumière”, a collection of poetic testimonies born in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic. These two collective publications demonstrate the diversity and richness of their creative approaches.

In addition, the Collective organizes every fourth Thursday of the month an evening dedicated to poetic reading. These events are an opportunity to highlight contemporary poets or to pay homage to poetic figures of the past, whose work has marked or still marks the theoretical and practical issues of their country and their community. The initiatives of the CICEP and the “Effraction” collective are driven by a central ambition: to reintegrate poetry at the heart of the history and future of the human community.


“Brothers” by Arvo Pârt (harmonica, bass and piano)
“Elégie” by Gabriel Fauré (saxophone, bass and piano)
« Trilogie » by Timo Juhani Kyllônen (bass and piano)
“Prelude 1” by Alfred Schnittke (harmonica and piano)
“Labyrinth” by Sergei Belimov (saxophone and piano)
“Fractale 1, 2, 3” solo reading
“Dance Fantastique 3” by Dimitri Chostalokvich (saxophone and piano)
“Chrystal Silence” by Chick Corea (bass and piano)
“Mechanical Music” by Carla Bley (harmonica, bass and piano)
« Lullaby for Caïn » by Gabriel Yared (Chant, piano)
« Jésus Maria » by Carla Bey (2 saxophones, piano)
« Lullaby 1 » by Hans Eisler (chant, piano)
« Tango » by Alfred Schnittke (harmonica, piano)
“Silence Charlie” by Carla Bey (6 saxophones, bass and piano)
“Vertical of Silence” by Serguei Belimov (string, piano with bass and reverse piano)



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