Six years after her last appearance in the cinema, the actress revealed in The Fabulous destiny of Amélie Poulain intends to make it on the big screen « a children’s film » and does not reject the idea of playing a role again in a film.
« I know that when I’m on a film set, I’m at home » confides star Audrey Tautou in an interview with BFMTV broadcast Monday morning. Invited to promote her book Superfacialwhere she reveals intimate photos of her career, the one which for many embodies the face of Montmartre in the 90s since her role in The Fabulous destiny of Amélie Poulain took the opportunity to reveal his return to cinema.
Audrey Tautou has finished writing an animated film. « I wrote a children’s story. I wanted to develop it into a scenario (…) It allows you to be very creative, to have a lot of freedom », she explains. She now intends to direct her screenplay for the cinema but « it’s going to take a long timedeclares the actress before adding, see you in ten years ! I’m not sure if you’ll see me again by then ».
The César for Most Promising Actress in 1999 has not appeared in cinemas since 2018, after the release of On the loose ! by director Pierre Salvadori. At the end of 2023, she participates in the dubbing of the animated film Nina and the Hedgehog’s Secret. In October 2023, Audrey Tautou explains in an interview with L’Obs that a return to the big screen is not planned any time soon. She prefers to devote herself to her family life and the personal projects she carries out in « self-taught » for several years: photography, writing and drawing », she declares.
Despite this assumed distance, she does not rule out the idea of playing a role in a film again. “ I did not decide to treat myself to an enchanted parenthesis because of my rejection of the profession of actress », she explains to BFMTV. « Afterwards, you have to see. We are quickly forgotten. No one is irreplaceable. Anyway, I don’t believe in actors’ farewells in cinema. It’s still such a joy, such an adventure to make a film or to act that it’s difficult to give it up. »she declares. In January 2024, she played at the Seine Musicale in the musical show Charlotteadapted from the novel by David Foenkinos about Charlotte Salomon, a young German Jewish painter murdered in Auschwitz in 1943.