A dynamic music school in the Pays de Tarascon and Vicdessos

A dynamic music school in the Pays de Tarascon and Vicdessos
A dynamic music school in the Pays de Tarascon and Vicdessos

the essential
Since its creation in 2015, the Pays de Tarascon and Vicdessos music school has continued to attract people.

The music school of the Pays de Tarascon and Vicdessos is doing well. Since its creation in 2015, the number of students has increased significantly with today a number multiplied by four – 105 students in total, including 33 adults and 72 children/teenagers and 158 members.

Musical training, ranging from awareness of music for the youngest to instrumental practice, is provided in group lessons with an orchestra for adults. A team of nine teachers, in Auzat, Tarascon and Niaux, provides premises free of charge.

Individual lessons by instrument are also offered (piano, saxophone, cello, guitar, drums, transverse flute, singing in particular). Throughout the year, musical learning and practice are punctuated by auditions and preparation for the traditional end-of-school-year show, offered by the students and their teachers.

Please note: the music school will participate in the Christmas market on December 14 organized by the municipality of Auzat, with a makeup workshop and a concert from 4 p.m.

In 2025, there will be a significant new feature: musicians aged 10 to 17 will perform in May at the Salle François-Mitterrand in Tarascon, in a musical comedy directed by Aurore Lavidalié, with Antonella Sampiérie as choreographer, Floria Gentil on vocals and Pierre-Yves Meyer, cellist and educational director, on music.

Daniel Naranjo-Prina (1), president since last October, is delighted with this associative dynamic: “Above all, I would like to thank Denis Rousseau, who held this position for seven years, making this school what it is today. ‘today. Taking over intimidated me, the bar was high! But supported by Denis and my new musical family, I accepted this position with enthusiasm. I am aware of the responsibilities incumbent on me and wish to assume them fully to perpetuate this beautiful associative school. » He also reminds us that the association always needs volunteers, valuable contributors to the success of its projects.

The school is open to all audiences from the Pays de Tarascon to Haute-Ariège.
Contact : [email protected] / Tél. : 07 70 65 06 84

(1) Daniel Naranjo-Prina is Franco-Venezuelan. Arriving in Ariège in 2020 to take over a local family business, he discovered the music school thanks to his daughters enrolled in Niaux and enrolled there in turn.


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