Warning, this story is a bit disgusting.
Karine, an interior designer and mother who shares a little about her daily life on TikTok, told a story of blank verses that made hundreds of Internet users react.
• Also read: Family finds owl in their Christmas tree
Three years ago, the Quebecer was shopping for Christmas decorations in a supermarket (unidentified) and chose a garland with dried oranges.
It’s sure it’s been three years, but 2021 is still late to buy a garland with dried oranges. But we’re not here to judge anyone. Except the blank worms, which are also about to make a sensational entry into this story.
TikTok screenshot
A few days after placing her new decoration on her fireplace, the TikToker noticed the presence of white worms in her house. They were climbing the walls.
“At first I was really disgusted. But I didn’t think too much of it. I said to myself, it’s autumn, maybe they’re coming in through the cracks, it’s really small… but as the days progressed, there were more of them.”
Remember that white grubs are larvae of certain beetles, such as the chafer and the beetle. “They are among the most difficult lawn pests to eliminate,” says Health Canada.
The woman claims that she even found them on the ceiling, at a rate of at least 12 per day. In order to identify the source of the problem, she and her boyfriend brought in a company to clean all the air ducts in the house, in addition to completely emptying and washing their pantry.
But nothing.
Where was the source of the presence of these damn little worms? It finally took a few weeks before Karine found them hidden in the INFAMOUS garland.
Listen to his story:
There were hundreds of them between two slices of dried oranges stuck together.
For those who are interested, after returning the crown to the store, the designer obtained compensation of $50… “They said we couldn’t prove that it came from the store, I think they told me just gave me $50 to shut the door,” the woman commented under the video.
The video has already been seen by more than 120,000 disgusted people.
Have you ever had grubs in your home?
YES. In my house too and it was gross ????
Never, and I hope it stays that way.
Yes, but only in an outdoor trash can (a classic).
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