Youtube “first channel in ”? Médiamétrie reframes the platform

Youtube “first channel in ”? Médiamétrie reframes the platform
Youtube “first TV channel in France”? Médiamétrie reframes the platform

The leading video platform in with more than 42 million users per month, Youtube has been redefined by Médiamétrie.

The organization responsible for calculating and communicating stale television audiences sees red, like the Youtube logo. In question, the statements of Justine Ryst, general director of the French branch of the platform, who affirmed that Youtube was “the first television channel in France”.

For the manager, Youtube has become “a key player” in France, with more than 42 million users per month, the vast majority of whom are 15-49 years old. On average, they spend 41 minutes per day on the platform. Very good health, while the French television channels are struggling: “Television is today the second screen for YouTube consumption in France, after the mobile phone.”

Médiamétrie lectures the boss of Youtube France

But for Médiamétrie, the statement is simply false: “Is YouTube, or any other platform, a television channel as I have been reading in the press since this morning? No! We cannot at the same time say that we are a channel, but not a media outlet. Words have meaning,” lectures Yannick Carriou, CEO of Médiamétrie, in a column on Linkedin.

“YouTube is not a television channel, and therefore even less ‘the first television channel’,” he adds.

For Yannick Carriou, television channels must meet “strict criteria”, particularly in terms of editorial responsibilities, but also by investing in local or international content.

Youtube, for its part, is content to rely on creators, and then remunerate them via advertising or its Premium subscription.

But Médiamétrie may not consider Youtube as a television channel, but the organization remains attentive to its success. He will thus create a “crossmedia” measure whose objective will be to bring together all the players linked to video consumption (platforms, channels, replay, etc.) to, according to his boss, “maintain the confidence of those who invest in content and advertising.”

The fact remains that Médiamétrie must face some difficulties in measuring the audiences of new players. If Médiamat, its audience analysis tool, makes it possible to recover viewers consuming on TF1+ and M6+, audiences for Netflix or Disney+ are not yet taken into account. After being postponed, support must now take place during the fourth quarter of 2024.



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