IN IMAGES, IN PICTURES. Pride 2024: a vibrant celebration of colors and demands in Montpellier

IN IMAGES, IN PICTURES. Pride 2024: a vibrant celebration of colors and demands in Montpellier
IN IMAGES, IN PICTURES. Pride 2024: a vibrant celebration of colors and demands in Montpellier


Léa Pippinato

Published on

June 15, 2024 at 7:18 p.m.

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Nothing could have spoiled the party, this Saturday June 15. Montpellier Pride, which has become an unmissable event since 1995, brought together 14,000 participants who came to celebrate diversity and promote equal rights for LGBTQIA+ people.

The march began with fanfare with a colorful parade which crossed the main arteries of Montpellier. Starting from the Peyrou Gardens, the procession brought together associations, collectives, artists and anonymous people, all united to celebrate acceptance. The decorated floats, lively music and costumes created a festive and friendly atmosphere, attracting the attention of spectators who gathered along the route.

An ambient revolt

The 2024 edition of Montpellier Pride also focused on political and social demands. The speeches given at the arrival of the parade recalled the ongoing struggles for the rights of LGBTQIA+ people, particularly in terms of the fight against discrimination, the recognition of same-sex families and the protection of transgender people.

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