Semeac. Obituary: Malou Léger, rest in peace

Semeac. Obituary: Malou Léger, rest in peace
Semeac. Obituary: Malou Léger, rest in peace

Marie-Louise Léger, companion of Jean Paul Delmouly, has left us for a world without suffering. She left, despite the good care and attention of the health personnel who accompanied her every day, with Poloche her husband, for the paradise of happy people from her dear home, where the latter wanted her to finish her life. Malou had been deeply affected by the death of her only son Frédéric, devoted newspaper bearer of our titles, in 2019 exactly. Let’s remember what Nathalie Ferreira said about her during the funeral:

“You were a discreet person who didn’t like people talking about her much, but allow me to share here in this church, some important dates and memories that marked your life. You were born in this town on first day of spring, May 20, 1940. At that time your grandparents ran a café in the city center where you grew up with your two brothers and your sister Martine, surrounded by the affection of your dear mother. You nicknamed your Caroline. sister “Titine” and played the role of second mother, telling him stories in the evening to put him to sleep; your sister admired you a lot. There was a lot of affection between you when you were a teenager. singers of the post-war era and listened to the TSF and its broadcasts Your meeting with Jean-Paul, from Dordogne, will be decisive, he will be the man of your life Together you build a beautiful, loving and family home. welded” and from your union Frédéric was born in 1977. On a professional level, you have a career in Alsthom where you hold various positions (at the nursery, in the canteen). Following a terrible accident, your position is reorganized and you join the EC to manage the members of the mutual insurance company until your retirement. Then your life goes by forging sincere friendships with all your neighbors, with the members of the FAPS and the Club Taurin des Padouens, with whom you appreciate the friendly moments of celebration, where you participated with your dear mother and yours. You led a happy life here taking walks in the woods or in Saint Pompon, the birthplace of Jean-Paul. You also had a good time doing crosswords that you loved. You were deeply affected 5 years ago by the sudden departure of your beloved son. Then you were confronted with illness. In this fight, you were able to count on the constant presence of your man who fought every day to make your life sweeter. The other day when you passed on the other side of the road, you left your house alongside him; a page of our common life of 50 years has turned but your memory will remain alive in our hearts.” Editor’s note: May Malou’s family accept our sincere condolences as well as those of our of whom she was a faithful reader.



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