“Hard blow”, fall and “galaxy”… Thirty-five years of roller coaster adventures

“Hard blow”, fall and “galaxy”… Thirty-five years of roller coaster adventures
“Hard blow”, fall and “galaxy”… Thirty-five years of roller coaster adventures

Who other than Numérobis himself to celebrate the event? This Friday, May 31, Jamel Debbouze was present in Plailly (60) to inaugurate the new attraction at Parc Astérix, the Tour de Numérobis which spins visitors 40 meters above the ground. A sort of giant candle for the park which is celebrating its 35th anniversary this year. “Nearly forty-seven years after the death of my father, it is very moving to see Numérobis honored on this special occasion. A character that emerged from his mind and that he was particularly fond of,” explains 20 minutes Anne Goscinny, daughter of René, creator with Albert Uderzo of the adventures of the mustached Gaul.

Favorite of the general public since Jamel Debbouze’s performance in Alain Chabat’s film Asterix and Obelix: Mission Cleopatra (2002), Numérobis echoes the popularity of Parc Astérix. In 2023, 2.8 million visitors flocked to its Gallic, Roman and Egyptian alleys. An absolute record since the creation of the park.

“Transform Parc Astérix into a tourist destination”

However, like the adventures of Asterix and Obelix, everything has not always been rosy since the doors opened, initiated by Albert Uderzo, on April 30, 1989. “After the initial enthusiasm, it was necessary do with the arrival of Disneyland Paris (formerly Eurodisney) in 1992, which was immediately a hard blow,” remembers Delphine Pons, general director of Parc Astérix. Endowed with significantly greater financial resources, the American giant hits as hard as Obélix on a Roman helmet and overshadows its French neighbor. “But it also created a market,” explains Delphine Pons, “and the following years will be those of progression. » Until moving into the new millennium with nearly two million visitors.

But like Zeus’s Thunder wagons, attendance is a roller coaster ride. After a great rise, it was a fall for ten years… Until 2012 and the arrival of OzIris, a thrill ride, symbol of a new investment by the Compagnie des Alpes (Futuroscope, Walibi, France Miniature, Grévin Museum, etc.) which has managed the park since 2002. “The real turning point was in 2014 when we decided to transform Parc Astérix into a real tourist destination,” reveals Delphine Pons.

Four tonnes of wild boar meat per year

This will notably involve the hotel industry. The only accommodation since 1998, the Hôtel des Trois Hiboux has seen its capacities increased from 100 to 150 rooms. In 2018, it was joined by the Cité Suspendue (three stars) then by the Quais de Lutèce (four stars), voted best theme park hotel upon its opening in 2020. In three years, the accommodation capacity increased from 100 to 450 rooms. Add to that a pinch of food (35 catering points and four tonnes of wild boar meat per year!) and the park turns into a place of stay for travelers from ever more distant lands (18% foreign visitors in 2023).

Still, what first attracts visitors to an amusement park is… the attractions. And Parc Astérix offers 50 in total. Those for thrills, for family outings, for the little ones. In the air or on the water… There is something for everyone. Notably those of Kirms Park Magazine which voted Toutatis best attraction and Parc Astérix best European park in 2023.

“French irreverence”

There is also diversity in the shows offered: from the Roman legionnaires who recruit (to the tunes of Lady Gaga) to the galleys of pirates who are experiencing a succession crisis, including a diving competition between Greeks and Romans worthy of of the Paris 2024 Olympic Games (up to 25 meters high!).

“It’s a precious heritage but difficult to carry,” confides Delphine Pons who must constantly think about renewing her offer, key to the success and sustainability of the park and its 400 employees and nearly 4,000 seasonal workers, while anchoring the park in the contemporary era, “but it is also a great opportunity because it is a super rich universe, promoting strong values ​​such as humor, authenticity, conviviality and French irreverence. »

Groupidupianix and Sérotonin, the two protagonists of the first Gallic musical comedy, “C’est du délire”.– R.Le Dourneuf / 20 Minutes

Qualities that are found in the other novelty of 2024: It’s madness, the first Gallic musical comedy in which Groupidupianix and Sérotonine (who is very aptly named) dream respectively of filling the Stade de Gaule and becoming the first female druid. Written and composed by the duo Ludovic-Alexandre Vidal and Julien Salvia, the musical, although featuring an original story and characters, blends naturally into the world of Goscinny and Uderzo.

“Like everything the park offers,” comments Anne Goscinny at the end of this Friday’s performance, “every detail, character, costume and decor is well made and respects the galaxy. » Asterix’s galaxy? “Yes, before I talked about the world created by my father. But with 400 million albums in the world, the Park, the films, the cartoons… I’m talking more about the galaxy now,” smiles the woman who, with Sylvie Uderzo, remains guarantor of fidelity to the original work.

A galaxy which will continue to expand with the Netflix series (no, it’s not a character) directed by Alain Chabat and which should see the light of day in 2025 and new features at the park with a family “spinning coaster” for children. next year in the Gallic zone and a fourth hotel with 300 rooms hosting a seminar center planned for October 2026.



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