The 4th edition of the “Une Salle sous les Etoiles” Festival honors film sets

The 4th edition of the “Une Salle sous les Etoiles” Festival honors film sets
The 4th edition of the “Une Salle sous les Etoiles” Festival honors film sets

With the theme of the 4th edition “It’s turning”, from July 5 to 12 on the Vauban site of the University of Nîmes, the “Une salle sous les oiseaux” film festival plans to bring the public behind the scenes. ..the film sets on screen!

Launched at the start of 2021, at the time of “the big flu”, the Festival ‘A room under the stars’ is back and for its new edition, “we are going through the other side of the looking glass” reveals Grégoire Sivan, founder and president of the Festival… The theme “It’s turning” is a way to go further on the different aspects of cinema, this time the filming will be part of the projection! And for that what could be better than ‘The artist’ with Jean Dujardin and Bérénice Bejo (godmother of the Festival), ‘Once upon a time’ (the latest Tarantino), ‘Lalaland’ (screened in karaoke version) or even “La Cité de fear” (it’s also the 30th anniversary of the cult film this year)!

Financially supported* by the city of Nîmes and its elected representative for Culture Sophie Roulle, the Festival in its beginnings, she remembers… “We were masked”, born in the middle of covid in a context where it was impossible to organize indoor events… This is where its founder, a knowledgeable film buff, had the idea “let’s do it outside!” 3 years later, it is “the new cultural event in Nîmes, it is growing in quality and scale”.

*The City’s annual budget for the region’s cultural associations represents an envelope of 600,000 euros.

As sponsors of the 4th edition of the Festival, Michel Hazanavicius and Bérénice Bejo (The Artist)

A Room Under the Stars, 4th edition © GOT

The director Michel Hazanavicius (knows Nîmes well for having a second home there) with the actress Bérénice Bejo, they will be the godfathers of the 4th edition of the Festival…As a duo they will present “Coupez” (directed by Mr. Hazanavicius himself, with the participation of B. Bejo, screened at Sémaphore on Saturday July 6, second day of the event).

Second inseparable partner of the Festival since the very first edition, the Cinéma Sémaphore (where screenings will be open at 10 p.m. for 10 days). “When we offer something different, people still go to the cinema”, its director Jean-Sylvain Minssen wants to remain hopeful, “Systematically, the results for event screenings are staggering”, and it is also, “a great gateway with the members of the association;

New to the edition, five comedians, girls and boys, will come and entertain the guests…

One hope: “attract a community from the neighborhoods to the Festival”

No food truck like last edition, but an associative banquet with the French Red Cross for “more accessible dishes”, also with a view to improving the Festival’s eco-responsibility. And as it can sometimes be difficult to get through the door of a cultural venue, this year the Festival team is offering 50 places every evening for neighborhood associations. Objective to increase activities and actions to “create bridges between neighborhoods and the city” specifies the co-organizer who is also responsible for mediation projects.

As a bonus and still in the theme: dubbing workshops, a film set open to the public, and many other surprises will spice up this new edition with “little onions”… As the theme of the Festival indicates, this year, silence it turns! With just over 2,200 visitors in 2022, 2,900 in the 2023 edition, will the success of the Festival continue its ascendant phase for its 4th edition? See you at the opening night on Friday July 5 (Thomas Kahn, “prince of French soul” in concert). But first, the “Before the Festival” will launch the new edition, on June 28, with the preview screening of “Maya Donne untitle” at the Sémaphore cinema (7 p.m.), followed by a “festive evening” at the Hôtel Dieu in partnership with the exhibition of the Nîmes S’illustre association (bar, food corner and DJ SET will be there…!).

Practical information

Ticket sales open today on the Une salle sous les Etoiles Festival website! To adapt to the time constraints of families, two rates are offered, a “village show” rate and a “village show film rate” (reduced rate for students, free for those under 6 years old).

Read also :

Nîmes – A room under the stars: music, games and cinema, the ideal recipe for a memorable evening



NEXT Valady. Jean Couet-Guichot and Gaya Wisniewski, two artists in residence within the region