Éric Zemmour adapts “A French Suicide” into a documentary for Canal +

Éric Zemmour adapts “A French Suicide” into a documentary for Canal +
Éric Zemmour adapts “A French Suicide” into a documentary for Canal +

Éric Zemmour back in front of the cameras. Ten years almost to the day after the release of “French Suicide”, the polemicist-president of the Reconquête party is preparing the television adaptation. According to our information, he has just kicked off, in , the filming of a documentary mini-series of four 52-minute episodes. This is the adaptation of his pamphlet released in October 2014 and sold 500,000 copies.

In a dark suit and tie, with a sky blue scarf protecting his throat between takes, he recorded a sequence this Tuesday, October 15, in the morning, at the Vél d’Hiv children’s memorial garden (15th arrondissement of Paris). Faced with a small technical team, he rehearsed his text which discussed Marshal Pétain and Jacques Chirac, who recognized the responsibility of the French State in the roundup of July 1942. The day before, Éric Zemmour turned rue Nicolas Appert, in the 11th arrondissement of the capital, where the editorial staff of the satirical weekly Charlie Hebdo was based until the attack in January 2015, which cost the lives of 12 people.

The series adapted from “French Suicide” is intended to be broadcast on the channels of the Canal + group in a year at the earliest. It is the Planète + channel, devoted to documentaries in particular historical ones, which was chosen by the leaders of the group owned by Breton businessman Vincent Bolloré. The documentary is produced by Pallas Télévision, Éric Pierrot’s production company, which usually provides subjects for the magazines “Zone Interdicted”, “Capital” or “Arnaques” on M 6, or for the 5 channel and which signed in 2022 for C8 “Le Puy du Fou told by Philippe de Villiers”.



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